Can A Nursing Home Take My Dads Social Security Income without telling us?
The short answer is possibly but only if your Dad is approved for or applying for Medicaid benefits
If a person is applying for or receiving Medicaid benefits their income must be paid to the nursing home. Therefore, the nursing home is entitled to the income. However, it's not mandatory that they re direct the income.
The Social Security Administration does not accept Power of Attorney Documents, they utilize what is called a "Representative Payee" to act as the agent for the individual.
Many facilities apply for this position when an individual enters a nursing home and does not have sufficient funds to pay privately. This way the facility is guaranteed to receive those funds because many times family members do not make the payment as they should.
Payments to the nursing home should be discussed at the time of admission that way there will not be any surprises.
Keep in mind that it is not mandatory for the facility to apply for Representative Payee, the SS income can continue to be received by the individual and paid to the facility by a Power of Attorney of family member assisting the individual.
Admissions to a nursing home, payments and Medicaid are all very detailed and complicated situations that should be handled by a specialist.
If you have a loved one in a facility or may be entering a facility you need proper representation.
Please contact us today for a FREE phone consultation. 855.471.6771 [email protected]