The Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 18, 2020.
In this Act is a provision that prevents any state from terminating benefits from a Medicaid recipient who was enrolled in Medicaid on or after March 18, 2020.
This provision states that even if there is a change in circumstances that would normally lead to a termination of benefits, your Medicaid benefits cannot be terminated.
The provision goes on to state that all Medicaid recipients’ coverage must continue through the end of the month in which the public health emergency declared by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for COVID-19 ends.
If the state has terminated a recipient's Medicaid benefits after March 18, 2020, the state must make an effort to contact the recipient and tell them to re-apply.
However, if an individual voluntarily requests the termination of their benefits the state may terminate their benefits or, if the individual moves and is no longer a resident of that state, benefits can be terminated.
This provision also applies to individuals who were determined ineligible prior to March 18, 2020 but have appealed their decision and are receiving benefits during the appeal process.
If you have questions about Medicaid planning or applications, please contact us today for a FREE phone consultation - 855.471.6771 - [email protected]